Chiropractor in Washington Heights TX, Back Pain Treatment

Innovative Approaches for Addressing Issues with Spine, Knees, Shoulders, and Neck

Chiropractic Care in Washington Heights, TXHeaded by Dr. Nicole Shutko, our Chiropractic Center is proficient in offering a comprehensive array of treatments for various health challenges such as lumbar discomfort, spinal disorders, neck difficulties, and complications arising from sciatica.

Incorporating a holistic approach to care, we blend cutting-edge spinal adjustments, restorative movement exercises, and customized physiotherapy programs. Not just limited to spinal issues, we also provide thorough care for crucial joints like hips, knees, and neck.

Based near Washington Heights, our cadre of skilled chiropractic professionals is dedicated to offering exemplary care for every patient. Each client benefits from a treatment regimen specially crafted to meet their individual health needs.

Our Range of Chiropractic Services

The human body functions as a finely-tuned mechanical network with a myriad of interlinked components. Whether you're struggling with a sore back or joint pain, our expert chiropractic interventions are designed to accurately diagnose and effectively relieve your symptoms.

Using an assortment of gentle chiropractic methods, our proficient Washington Heights-based team strives to reinstate proper function and motion in your essential joints and spine. This not only relieves nerve tension but also activates the body's inherent healing processes. Many clients find our techniques both comfortable and pleasurable.

Our specialization is not restricted to spinal health. Our medical staff at Dr. Nicole Shutko’s Chiropractic Center is prepared to manage a wide array of medical issues. Below are some sectors where we excel:

Effective Approaches for Tackling Migraines and Headaches

Headache Solutions in Washington Heights, TXSignificant research endorses chiropractic methods for mitigating headaches and migraines. Preserving spinal integrity is essential for averting neural stress, a common migraine instigator. While many regularly see a dentist, the critical nature of spinal care often goes overlooked. Your spinal health is just as crucial to your well-being as your oral hygiene.

Solutions for Neck Discomfort

Proper identification is key to treating neck pain effectively. Situated near Washington Heights, our experts employ state-of-the-art diagnostic methods to pinpoint the root of your neck discomfort, thus facilitating a targeted approach to treatment.

Neglecting spinal health issues is prevalent, but can cause progressive deterioration over time. Timely intervention can rule out the necessity for surgical options down the road.

Addressing Diverse Back Pain Concerns

Expert Back Care in Washington Heights, TXStruggling with back pain near Washington Heights? You're not the only one; approximately 32 million Americans are wrestling with varying degrees of back discomfort. What instigates back pain and how can it be forestalled? What are the optimal therapies?

The origins of back discomfort are manifold and complex. Your back is intricately designed to furnish both stability and flexibility but is susceptible to numerous forms of injury. From critical incidents like vehicular accidents to daily strain, the rationales behind your discomfort can be multifarious. Besides, medical issues such as obesity, arthritis, and kidney issues may manifest as lower back issues. Therefore, consulting a healthcare specialist capable of providing an exhaustive diagnosis is crucial. Our experienced personnel at Dr. Nicole Shutko’s Chiropractic Center are ready to offer a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment regimen.


The durability of joints like knees, elbows, and hips to handle stress diminishes over time. Chronic wear and tear can result in compromised function and heightened inflammation. Our therapy options, inclusive of routine spinal adjustments, target reducing inflammation and bolstering joint health.


Arthritis affects a large number of people, chiefly causing joint inflammation, discomfort, rigidity, and restricted movement. Consistent chiropractic interventions, when coupled with other arthritis control methods, have been especially effective in mitigating these symptoms. Spinal realignments can enhance your overall agility and lead to a more energetic, healthier life. Our arthritis management is comprehensive, offering myriad health advantages.


Shoulder Pain Solutions in Washington Heights, TXThe ideal therapy for your shoulder pain depends on its underlying cause. At our clinic, we first examine the cervical region, as neck issues often correlate with shoulder discomfort. Misaligned vertebrae here can disrupt nerve signals that modulate shoulder functions, potentially leading to a domino effect of issues.

Should your shoulder pain persist, our skilled physicians can perform targeted shoulder adjustments, often coupled with our standard chiropractic care, to expedite your recovery. Whether arising from spinal issues or direct shoulder injury, chiropractic interventions offer a non-surgical avenue for effective relief.


Overlooking a whiplash injury can result in severe repercussions. Unfortunately, many people don't realize they've been injured until symptoms have significantly exacerbated. The positioning of your car's headrest can aggravate an injury, as a low headrest can accelerate your head's backward motion in the event of a rear-end collision, intensifying the whiplash.
Research, including the Woodward study, indicates that chiropractic therapies involving spinal adjustments, PNF, and cold therapy can bring substantial relief. This study reported that an astonishing 93% of 28 patients showed marked improvement using chiropractic methods, validating the role of chiropractic care in whiplash management.


Looking for a chiropractic clinic near Washington Heights specializing in arthritis care, sciatica relief, and treatment for neck, shoulder, or knee discomfort? Look no further than Dr. Nicole Shutko's Chiropractic Center. We tailor our treatment plans to fit your unique health needs. Take advantage of our new patient promotion by calling us today at (713) 522-2886.

9:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm

2:00pm - 5:30pm

9:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm

9:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm

9:30am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Walk-Ins Welcome Monday - Thursday

Dr. Nicole Shutko
Chiropractic Center

2040 North Loop W #103A
Houston, TX 77018
(713) 522-2886